Access to this Web implies knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions:
Data ownership of the website
The domain name is owned by the Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa, with Tax ID P1103500C, and address in Plaza de Santa María, nº 3. 11380 Tarifa (Cadiz).
Limitations of use
Users who access this website are expressly authorized to view all the information and content, and privately download or reproduce it on their devices. Only personal, non-commercial use is authorized, not the subsequent ceding or transferring to third parties, or installation on any server directly or indirectly connected to the Internet or a local network enabling access to such third parties to the aforementioned information through any means other than the web itself. Users who access the website are therefore specifically obliged to make no direct or indirect commercial use of the contents and elements contained herein. The Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa reserves the right to prohibit or prevent access to any user who uploads any type of content to the website that is unauthorized, illegal or likely to be so, or contrary to morality, also reserving the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions, if any. The Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa guarantees its cooperation with the authorities in identifying those responsible for the introduction or attempted introduction of such content.
Intellectual, industrial and similar property rights
All contents and elements which users can access through this website, whether text, graphics, sound, visual or audiovisual compositions or computer applications expressed in any code or are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights, and economic rights for analogue content pertaining to the Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa or third parties, which are indicated in each case. Access to such content or elements through the Web does not give users any rights over them, and they may not alter, modify, exploit, reproduce, distribute, or publicly communicate them, nor may they exercise any other rights that correspond to the holder of the affected right. Any violation of the Limitations of Use or Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights, or similar rights, or of the current legislation will be pursued by the Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa through the exercise of the legal actions that correspond in each case.
The Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa will only be responsible for the information contained in this website that has been created by it. The Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa assumes no responsibility for information of any kind that may have been included by users, nor for the information contained in other sites not directly managed by the Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa, which this Website may link to by means of hypertext links or “links”. The purpose of the “links” that appear on this website is purely informative, not supposing, in any case, a suggestion or invitation to users to visit the target sites. Consequently, the Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa shall in no case be responsible for the result obtained or intended by the user of the websites that are accessed through said links. The Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa is not liable for damages and prejudice that could result from the existence of viruses or other elements that may cause damage to computer systems, electronic documents or files of users of this website or third party websites. The Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa is also not liable for any interruption, error or failure occurring in the system as a result of a malfunction of the network or servers connected to it.
Specific services
The Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa may provide certain services to its website users, to be provided under the terms and conditions which in each case are indicated in the website itself. Users should read carefully the conditions that apply to each of these services, which in no case shall lead to exemption, unless expressly stated otherwise, from the fulfilment of what is expressed in this Legal Notice.
The Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Tarifa may at any time modify the content of this website and this warning without prior notice.
Law and jurisdiction
These general conditions are governed by Spanish Law. For the resolution of conflicts, the parties subject themselves to the courts of Algeciras (Cadiz), renouncing any other jurisdiction.